Patch Type: Minor
Patch Applied: February 8th, 2020
Maintenance Period: None
- Search
- You can now use quotation marks to look up exact phrases in the Donut Team search. Try it out!
- Please note that this does not mean exact word, it means exact usage. Because of this, this feature is best used with multiple words.
- Topic search now searches each word individually so topics are easier to find.
- Mod search now searches each word individually so mods are easier to find.
- You can now use quotation marks to look up exact phrases in the Donut Team search. Try it out!
- Flairs
- The "Mod Release" flair is now known as "Released."
- The "Mod Showcase" flair is now removed.
- Added the "Coming Soon" flair.
- Added the "Discontinued" flair.
- Miscellaneous
- Added a warning about the discontinuation of themes on the Design Settings page.