Mods > Donut Mod > Version History > Version 4.2.0

Version 4.2.0

This update was released on March 1st, 2022.

Versioning Scheme and Internal Name Changes

As of this version, Donut Mod 4 is no longer considered a beta and is instead considered a stable release.

With this new designation, the version is also changing to a more normal and reasonable semver-like scheme.

That means this update's version, 4.2.0, means the following:

  • Major Version 4
  • Level 2
  • Update 0

Future minor updates, such as a potential 4.2.1, would therefore mean the following:

  • Major Version 4
  • Level 2
  • Update 1


  • Now requires Version 1.26 of the Mod Launcher.
  • Updated the mod's authors and credits.
  • Added support for NPCs wearing random outfits of theirs during Taxi Missions.
  • Made it so the multiplayer-only rewards file is also loaded when the Free Roam hack is enabled.


  • Added the Miniature UFO.
    • This car is only available when playing in SHAR MP or when using the Free Roam hack at this time.
  • Made the Wi-Fi Router Truck and Mob Sedan available when playing in SHAR MP or when using the Free Roam hack.
  • Updated the Family Sedan.
    • This car now appears increasingly more broken as you damage it.
    • This car also has its own husk now.
      • This requires version 1.24 of the Mod Launcher or later.
  • Updated the Li'l Lightnin'.
    • The model has been replaced with a new, much fancier model.
    • This also comes with a new CON file with a similar, but not identical, driving feel.
    • This car also has its own husk now.
    • This car also now appears increasingly more broken as you damage it.
  • Updated the Wrecked Sedan.
    • Added rear wheel sparks.
    • Removed the rear skid marks.


  • Added Kirk Van Houten.
    • Also added the Kirk - Armn't costume.
  • Added a new Hamburger Earmuffs costume for Frink.
  • Added a new Mapple Mairpods costume for Snake.

These new characters and costumes can appear during Taxi Missions and are also available for use in SHAR MP.

Level 2

Rebuilt the Level's k-d tree to properly include all of the mod's map modifications.

Donut Team © 2024 · v4.0