Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Map Builder > SketchUp Models > Collision Tags > StaticPhys


This document is a work-in-progress and may be missing information.

This tag is used to create Static Phys Chunks.

These chunks are static collision in the world made up of boxes, cylinders and spheres.


To use this group tag, you must first Include any of the following XML files:

  • Zone.xml

Then you must execute any of the following ModelOutputInstructions on the tagged group or a group containing it:

  • BaseZone
    • Recommended.
  • Entities
    • Not recommended.
  • Phys
    • Not recommended.


<StaticPhysName> [StaticPhys] [<ClassTypeID>] [<ATCEntry>] [<SoundResourceName>]
  • StaticPhysName: The name of this Static Phys.
  • ClassTypeID: The Class Type ID
  • ATCEntry: TODO.
  • SoundResourceName: TODO.

These parameters represent the values stored in the Collision Effect chunk inside the Static Phys chunk.

Group Structure

This tag should be applied to a group exclusively containing CollisionBox, CollisionCylinder and/or CollisionSphere components.



Other Tags

These are other tags that can be used with this to configure it further.

Version History


Initial release.

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