Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher > Version History > Version 1.26

Version 1.26

This update was released on February 27th, 2021.



  • Fixed an issue where the Mod Launcher still created a Direct3D 8 object, usually used for checking which MSAA levels are available, even when using the -forcemsaa command line argument.
  • Fixed an issue where the Anti-aliasing hack would fail to load and show a message if Direct3D 8 was unavailable when it should do so silently.
  • Fixed possible memory corruption relating to PROPVARIANT when fixing pinned shortcuts and updating the Jump List.
  • Updated the Mod Launcher's copyright year to 2021.
  • Fixed possible memory corruption when getting the OS version for the user agent when not using the -useragent command line argument.
  • Made the error message shown when failing to connect to Donut Team show the exception or HTTP status code.
  • Made the Mod Launcher show a warning when attempting to compile a mod without an internal name.
    • Also added the -nocompileinternalnamecheck command line argument to opt out of this.
  • Added the -nomodenablewarnings command line argument. This disables warnings shown when mods that specify one are ticked in the mods list.
  • Updated cacert.pem.

Main Window

  • Fixed an issue where ampersands (&) in main mod titles were not escaped when showing the title of the main mod on the "Saved Games" and "Screenshots" items in the "Open..." menu.
    • This resulted in the ampersand not appearing and sometimes the next character being underlined.
      • This also meant the underlined character would act as a hotkey.

Mods List

Added a "Show Saved Games" option when right clicking a selected mod in the Mods List with one or more main mods selected.

Mod Settings

Made it so mod settings windows omit the label of settings that have a blank string as their Title.

Launcher Settings

Made it so being requirable by hacks is no longer a reason for hacks to be listed on the Non-mod Hacks page.


  • This version adds new language strings.
    • A new template language (Template_1.26.xml) was published on this page including these new strings at the end of the file.
  • Made it so you can seamlessly change the program's language without a restart.
  • Made it so the current language file will get reloaded when the main window is focused if it changed.
  • Made the error message shown when failing to load a language file have a Retry button.
  • Fixed an issue where the error message shown when failing to load a language file on the Select Language window was not modal to the Select Language window.
    • This resulted in the Select Language window being focusable and interactive and possibly in an unstable state.
  • Fixed an issue where failing to load a language file on the Select Language window didn't change the Language combo box back to the default English.

Mod Features

  • Made it so you can repeat the Description property in the [Miscellaneous] section and the Text property in [Description] sections of Meta.ini.
    • This is a cleaner method of having multi-line descriptions.
    • You must use RequiredLauncher with Version 1.26 or newer in your [Miscellaneous] section to use this functionality.


Additional Script Functionality

CON Commands

Added the SetWheelieOffsetX command. This is equivalent to Radical's SetWheelieOffsetY and SetWheelieOffsetZ commands but for the X axis.

Analogue Mouse Input

Added this new advanced hack.

Bug Fixes

  • Added the "Crashes > High Coin Count" bug fix. This fixes an issue where the game would crash if you collected more than 9,999,999 coins.
    • Mods can also opt into this fix with the new FixHighCoinCountCrash property in the [Crashes] section.

Custom Car Support

  • Added support for setting a visual steering multiplier for car wheels.
    • You can set one for the front wheels via the FrontSteeringVisualMultiplier property and one for the back wheels via the RearSteeringVisualMultiplier.
    • You can also set one for an individual wheel via the Wheel?SteeringVisualMultiplier, substituting the ? for the wheel index:
      • 0 for the back right wheel.
      • 1 for the back left wheel.
      • 2 for the front left wheel.
      • 3 for the front right wheel.
      • Unless, of course, you're Radical and you're making the Family Sedan (famil_v) wherein 2 and 3 are inexplicably swapped around.
  • Added support for additional Fake Wheels on cars via the new [FakeWheel] section.
    • Fake Wheels have various configuration options and work by copying and/or multiplying values of any of the car's four real wheels.
  • Added support for new [Car] sections as an alternative to using the car's name as the name of the section.
    • These sections use the new Name property instead to identify the car.
  • Added support for setting skid mark width multipliers for each of the car's real wheels.
    • You can set one for the front wheels via the FrontSkidMarkWidthMultiplier property and one for the back wheels via the RearSkidMarkWidthMultiplier.
    • You can also set one for an individual wheel via the Wheel?SkidMarkWidthMultiplier, substituting the ? for the wheel index.

You can find out more about how to use the various new features of this hack on its documentation page.

Custom Files

Fixed a buffer overflow when reading the header of some Bink files when playing them that could cause memory corruption and lead to a crash.

Custom Limits

  • Added a new SkidMarkLimit property to the Cars section to customise the maximum number of skid marks that can exist at once.
  • Added a new [Triggers] section with a VolumeLimit property to customise the maximum number of trigger volumes that can be loaded at once.

Custom Text

Made it so text strings returned by this hack always reserve at least 256 characters safe for Radical to mess with since they do that in some cases.

Debug Checks

Fixed an issue where Composite Drawable Missing Detection incorrectly claimed to be "Experimental" even though it has not been considered experimental since before Version 1.23.9.

Debug Text

  • Fixed an issue where the "×" symbol in the title of the "Graphics > Allow Textures Larger Than 2048 × 2048" setting was the wrong character in some non-unicode system locales.
    • For example, it appeared as "Ч" in Russian.
  • Added a new "walker cam" page.

Direct3D 9

  • Added support for hardware skinning.
    • This can still be opted out of with the -nohardwareskinning command line argument.
    • The hack falls back to not using hardware skinning for Primitive Groups with shaders with a PDDI Shader other than "simple" or "error" for compatibility with mods that for some reason relied on Direct3D 9 to allow environment maps to work on Skins.
    • Mods with Skins that have Primitive Groups that are missing skinning information would crash without hardware skinning.

Discord Rich Presence

  • Made it so this hack uses Discord RPC as a DLL instead of using the version embedded into Hacks.dll if such a DLL file (discord-rpc.dll) inexplicably exists in the DLLs folder.
    • The -discordrpc command line argument opts out of this inexplicable behaviour.

Hack Support

Fixed an issue where the ExitProcess hook wasn't included in the count of hacks installed by Hack Support on this hack's Debug Text page.

Hover Car Refraction

Fixed a crash on launch when this hack was required by a mod and not ticked by the user.

Modern Computer Support

  • Fixed an issue where you could not bind mouse buttons when using a non-English Windows language.
    • Also added the -nononenglishwindowsmousebuttonfix command line argument to opt out of this change.

On Foot Orbit Camera

Added this hack.

This hack replaces the game's regular on foot camera with a more advanced, mouse-controllable, orbit camera.

You can find out more about this hack's various settings on its documentation page.

Refraction Shader Support

  • Fixed an issue where the Letterbox hack broke this hack.

Skippable FMVs

Added this new hack.

This hack allows you to skip the game's opening FMV as well as FMVs in missions that you haven't seen before.

Sphere Maps

Renamed this hack to "Sphere Map Reflections" to make it more clear what it actually is.

Starting Coins

  • Fixed an issue where the "Starting Coins" setting could not be set negative.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Starting Coins" setting could be set higher than the maximum value of a signed 32-bit integer (2147483647).
    • Only the low 32-bits were used.

Added this new hack.

This hack makes the game's text lookups use a more efficient binary search instead of looking through the entries in order until they find the one they're looking for.

This hack also sorts the text bible loaded out of srr2.p3d if it is not already sorted, like how Radical's is by default.

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