Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher > Mods > Configuring Mods

Configuring Mods

This page has detailed documentation on ways to configure mods.


These are the various files and folders you can expect to see in the root folder of a mod:


This file is the main configuration file for mods. It defines the meta information for the mod, what hacks it requires, who made it and more.

This file must exist and at least contain a [Miscellaneous] section to be considered valid. We also strongly recommend that you also at least specify a Title and InternalName within it.

Hack Configuration Files

Some Mod Requirable hacks can have or require configuration files in the root of the mod. These can either be .ini files or .xml files depending on the hack.

Lua Files

The Custom Files hack can have a main Lua file located in the root of a mod folder.

Hack Folders

Some Mod Requirable hacks hacks can also utilise folders for their configuration files or resources:

Icon.png / Icons Folder

Mods can provide icons for the Mod Launcher to use. This can be done as a single 256x256 Icon.png file in the root of the mod or as a folder named Icons containing any of the following files:

  • 16.png
  • 24.png
  • 32.png
  • 48.png
  • 64.png
  • 256.png

Configuring Mods

These are all of the available configuration options for mods.

These should go in the mod's Meta.ini.

[Miscellaneous] Section

This section contains a variety of information about the mod itself.

; Title
;	The title of the mod that displays in the launcher. 
;	Optional.
Title=Example Mod

; InternalName
;	The internal name of the mod. 
;	This is used for directory names, play history and more. 
;	Optional but strongly recommended.
;	This should not be set to anything that is invalid in a folder name on Windows as this is used for a Main mod's saved games and screenshots folders.
;	Here's a helpful blog post explaining what's not allowed:

; Description
;	A description of the mod. Use \n for a new line.
;	If RequiredLauncher is set to 1.26 or later, you can repeat this property for new lines instead if you'd prefer.
;	Optional.
Description=An example mod.\nText on another line

; Version
;	Set a version for the mod. 
;	Optional.

; Category
; 	A category of the mod. Optional.
;	Repeat for multiple categories.
Category=Car Mods
Category=Character Mods

; CommandLine
;   Specify command line arguments to give the game on startup.
;   Can be repeated to specify arguments on separate lines as of 1.23.2

; Main
;	Set whether or not the mod is a main mod. 
;	Gives the mod its own saved games and screenshots folders. 
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; Framework
;	Set whether or not the mod is a framework.
;	This makes it so the mod cannot be enabled on its own.
;	Instead, it must be required by a mod by RequiredFramework.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; Disabled
;	Set whether or not the mod is disabled.
;	This will hide the mod from the launcher entirely.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; Unreleased
;	Set whether or not the mod is on the unreleased tab.
;	Useful to hide secret mods from your main mods list.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; PublicTesting
;	Set whether or not the mod is a public testing build.
;   This is currently handled the same as "Unreleased" except there is not a warning when compiling the mod.
;   Optional, defaults to 0.

; HideFromPlayHistory
;	Hides the mod from Play History and hides the title from Discord Rich Presence.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; SettingsWidth / SettingsHeight
;	Set the width and height of the mod's settings window.

; AuthorGroup
;	Define an author group.
;	Repeat for each author group.
;	Not required to use groups but this allows you to control the order.
AuthorGroup=Vehicle Designer
AuthorGroup=Character Designers
AuthorGroup=Frontend Designer

; RequiredHack
;	Require a hack.
;	Repeat for each required hack.

; OptionalHack
;	Require a hack if it exists, otherwise this will be ignored.
;	Repeat for each optional hack.

; RequiredLauncher
;	Set the minimum required Mod Launcher version for the mod to work.
;	Usually based on which hacks/features the mod requires.
;	Optional but strongly recommended.

; SupportedMod
;	Forces compatibility between this mod and the specified mod.
;	This mod will override the supported mod. 
;	Repeat for each supported mod.

; ConflictingMod
;	Force a specific mod to conflict with this mod.
;	Recommended only for use where absolutely necessary.

; RequiredFramework
;	Require the specified framework to be installed in any mods folder for the mod to work. 
;	Repeat for each required framework.

; OptionalFramework
;	Require the specified framework if it exists in any mods folder, otherwise will be ignored. 
;	Repeat for each optional framework.

; SupportsEnglish
; SupportsDemo
; SupportsInternational
; SupportsBestSellerSeries
;	Set whether or not a mod supports specific versions of the game.
;	Defaults to 1 for all versions except the demo.

; DefaultLanguage
; DefaultLanguageFrench
; DefaultLanguageGerman
; DefaultLanguageSpanish
;	Set the default language for the CustomText hack for each localization of the game.
;	This is only used if a mod has a CustomText folder with multiple CustomText INI files inside it.
;	Optional.

; Edition
;	Set text that will appear in () after the game's name in the window title.
;	As of 1.21.1, main mods that specify an edition will not have their title pre-pended before the game's name.
Edition=Australian Edition

[Description] Sections

These sections can be used to have multiple description headers in the Mod information panel.

This type of section can be repeated multiple times.

; Title
;	The title of this description.

; Text
;	The text for this description. Use \n for new lines.
;	If RequiredLauncher in the [Miscellaneous] section is set to 1.26 or later, you can repeat this property for new lines instead if you'd prefer.
Text=- The raddest missions around.\n- The raddest costumes around.\n- More features.

[Author] Sections

These sections can be used to define information about the author(s) of a mod.

This type of section can be repeated multiple times.

; Name
;	The name of the author.
Name=Loren "Duck" Goodwin

; Website
;	The author's website. Must begin with http:// or https://. 
;	Optional.

; Notes
;	Extra notes about the author. 
;	Optional.
Notes=A guy who made some things.

; Group
;	The name of the group(s) the author will be listed in.
;	Repeat for each group.
;	Optional.
Group=Vehicle Designers

; Credits
;	Set whether or not the author should be on the Credits tab instead of the About tab. 
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

[Setting] Sections

These sections can be used to add settings to a mod that can be used when read in Custom Files lua scripts with the GetSetting or GetSettings functions.

This type of section can be repeated multiple times.


; UncompiledOnly
;	Set if the setting will only exist when the mod is not compiled. 
;	This type of setting will be entirely stripped out of the mod is not decompilable.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; Testing
;	Specify if this setting will only exist when using the "-testing" command line argument on the Launcher itself.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; Type: 
;	Specify the type of setting.
; 		MultipleChoice
; 		TickBox
; 		Number
; 		Text
; 		Label
; 		Colour

; Page 
;	Specify what page the setting is on. 
;	This allows you to organize your settings by pages.
;	Optional.

; Group
;	Specify what group the setting should be in.
;	This allows you to categorize settings further by having groups on pages.
;	Optional.
Group=Car Settings

; Title
;	The display name of the setting. 
;	Defaults to the Name of the setting (unless it's a Label setting where the Title is required).
Title=Default Car

; Tooltip
;	The tooltip to display when hovering over the setting.
Tooltip=This setting allows you select a default car.

; NoReset
;	Specify if the value of the setting will reset when the user resets their settings to the defaults.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

MultipleChoice Type Settings

These properties are specific to MultipleChoice type settings.

; Name
;	The internal Name of the setting.
;	Used when using GetSetting in CustomFiles Lua scripts.

; Option
;	Specify an option for the the MultipleChoice setting.
;	You need to specify at least one Option property OR an Options property (see below)
Option=Family Sedan
Option=Ferrini - Red

; Options
;   Specify the name of a MultipleChoiceSettingOptions section.
;   You need to specify an Options property OR at least one Option property (see above)

; Text
;	Specify if the value of the setting should be returned as text when requested by CustomFiles.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; Default
;	The default value of the setting.
;	Optional, defaults to the first Option property or the first Title/Value pair in a referenced MultipleChoiceSettingsOptions section.

TickBox Type Settings

These properties are specific to TickBox type settings.

; Name
;	The internal Name of the setting.
;	Used when using GetSetting in CustomFiles Lua scripts.

; Default
;	The default value of the setting. 0 or 1.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

Number Type Settings

These properties are specific to Number type settings.

; Name
;	The internal Name of the setting.
;	Used when using GetSetting in CustomFiles Lua scripts.

; Integer
;	Specify whether or not the setting's value has to be an integer.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; Min
;	The minimum value of the setting.
;	Optional.

; Max
;	The maximum value of the setting.
;	Optional.

; Default
;	The default value of the setting.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; NoUpDown
;	Removes the up/down buttons. Only applicable when Integer is set to 1.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

Text Type Settings

These properties are specific to Text type settings.

; Name
;	The internal Name of the setting.
;	Used when using GetSetting in CustomFiles Lua scripts.

; Password
;	Specify if the textfield should be a password box.
;	Optional, defaults to 0.

; Option
;	Specify specific options for the textfield.
;	Optional.

; Default
;	The default text in the setting.
;	Optional.

Label Type Settings

These properties are specific to Label type settings.

; Title
;	The text in the Label.
Title=These settings affect some stuff.

;	Specify a URL to link to from the label text.
;	Must start with http:// or https://.
;	Optional.

Colour Type Settings

These properties are specific to Colour type settings.

; Name
;	The internal Name of the setting.
;	Used when using GetSetting in CustomFiles Lua scripts.

; Default
;	The default color.
;	Must start with 0x followed by hexadecimal A,R,G,B values.

; Alpha
;	Whether or not this setting should allow an Alpha to be selected.
;	Defaults to 1.

[MultipleChoiceSettingOptions] Sections

These sections can be used to define more refined and user friendly options for a MultipleChoice type [Setting] section.

This type of section can be repeated multiple times and referenced by multiple MultipleChoice type [Setting] sections.

; Partial example from the Rebindable Menu Gamepad Inputs hack.

; Name
;   Set the name of this section to reference it by in a [Setting] section.

; Title/Value Pair
;   Define pairs of Titles and Values for each option in the setting.

Title=Z Axis +/LT

[SettingCondition] Sections

These sections can be used to add a condition for a setting being enabled in the Mod Settings window.

The condition must be true for the setting to be enabled.

This type of section can be repeated multiple times.

; Type
;	Set the type of condition that must be met for this setting to be enabled.
;		Setting: The condition is based on the value of another setting.

; Setting
;	The Name of the setting that is affected by this condition.

; ConditionSetting
;	The Name of the setting whose value is checked by this condition.

; Operator
;	The operator used to compare the value of the ConditionSetting to the Value inside this SettingCondition.
;		EqualTo
;			You must use this operator when adding a SettingCondition for a TickBox or Text setting.
;		NotEqualTo
;		GreaterThanOrEqualTo
;		LessThanOrEqualTo
;		GreaterThan
;		LessThan

; Value
;	The value to compare to the value of the Setting.

[SettingWarning] Section

These sections can be used to add warnings for when certain settings are set to certain values.

This type of section can be repeated multiple times.

; Setting
;	The Name of the setting that the warning checks the value of.

; Operator
;	The operator used to compare the value of the Setting to the Value inside this SettingWarning.
;		EqualTo
;			You must use this operator when adding a SettingWarning for a TickBox or Text setting.
;		NotEqualTo
;		GreaterThanOrEqualTo
;		LessThanOrEqualTo
;		GreaterThan
;		LessThan

; Value
;	The value to compare to the value of the Setting.

; Message
;	The message to show when the conditions for the warning are met.
Message=Woah dog, this settings looks like a dank meme. Are you sure you want to enable it?

[LegacyResource] Sections

These sections are used to declare that the mod supersedes an older Legacy mod.

This is useful for new versions of frameworks that change the InternalName but otherwise maintain compatibility with mods that require it under the old name.

This type of section can be repeated multiple times.

; InternalName
;	The InternalName of the legacy mod this one is superseding. 

; Title
;	The Title of the legacy mod this one is superseding. Optional.
;	This isn't currently used anywhere but it might be in the future.
Title=Additional Characters

[Compile] Section

This section is used to define rules for how to compile the mod.

; OutputPath
;	The path to output the LMLM file to. Optional, if not specified the Launcher will ask when clicking "Compile...".

; Decompilable
;	Set whether or not the mod is able to be decompiled in the Mods List. Optional, defaults to 0.

; ExcludedFileName
;	Files with this name will be excluded when the mod is compiled. 
;	Supports * and ? wildcards.
;	Only applies to files inside the CustomFiles, AdditionalFiles and Resources folders 
;		As of Version 1.14, this also applies to the root folder if your mod is decompilable.

; IncludedFileName: 
;	Files with this name will be included when the mod is compiled. 
;	This can be used to include file types that would otherwise be excluded.
;	Supports * and ? wildcards.
;	Only applies to files inside the CustomFiles, AdditionalFiles and Resources folders 
;		As of Version 1.14, this also applies to the root folder if your mod is decompilable.

; ExcludedFolderName
;	Folders with this name will be excluded when the mod is compiled. 
;	Supports * and ? wildcards.
;	Only applies to folders inside the CustomFiles, AdditionalFiles and Resources folders 
;		As of Version 1.14, this also applies to the root folder if your mod is decompilable.

; IncludedFolderName: 
;	Folders with this name will be included when the mod is compiled.
;	This can be used to include folders that would otherwise be excluded.
;	Supports * and ? wildcards.
;	Only applies to folders inside the CustomFiles, AdditionalFiles and Resources folders 
;		As of Version 1.14, this also applies to the root folder if your mod is decompilable.

; MinifyArt
;	Set whether or not to minify .p3d files (removes history chunks) when the mod is compiled. 
;	Defaults to 1 unless the mod is Decompilable.

; MinifyPNGs
;	Set whether or not to minify .png files (removes unrequired data such as Adobe Fireworks data) when the mod is compiled.
;	Defaults to 1 unless the mod is Decompilable.

; MinifyXMLs
;   Set whether or not to minify .xml files.
;   Defaults to 1 unless the mod is Decompilable.

; IncludeHidden
;	Set whether or not to include hidden files and folders. 
;	Defaults to 0 unless the mod is Decompilable.

; IncludeModifiedDates
;	Set whether or not to preserve modified dates on files and folders. 
;	Defaults to 0 unless the mod is Decompilable.

; IncludeEmptyFolders: 
;	Set whether or not to include empty folders. 
;	Defaults to 0 unless the mod is Decompilable.

; RewriteMetaINI
;	Set whether or not to rewrite Meta.ini when compiling the mod.
;	Defaults to 0 unless the mod is Decompilable.

; Encryption
;	Set whether or not the mod should be encrypted when it's compiled.
;	Only text based files (.ini, .xml, .lua, .con, .mfk, .cho, .spt) get encrypted by default.
;	Defaults to 1 if the mod is not Decompilable and has its RequiredLauncher set to 1.22.2 or newer.

; NonencryptedFileName
;	Specify a file name that will not be encrypted regardless of other factors.
NonencryptedFileName=*.spt	; Don't encrypt any SPT files.

; EncryptedFileName
;	Specify a file name that will be encrypted regardless of other factors.
EncryptedFileName=*.p3d	; Encrypt all P3D files, probably not ideal.

; EncryptionMaximumSize
;	Specify the maximum file size that will make files get encrypted in bytes.
EncryptionMaximumSize=1024000	; Encrypt everything that's 100KB or under.

Version History


  • Made it so you can repeat the Description property in the [Miscellaneous] section and the Text property in [Description] sections of Meta.ini.
    • This is a cleaner method of having multi-line descriptions.
    • You must use RequiredLauncher with Version 1.26 or newer in your [Miscellaneous] section to use this functionality.


  • Made it so multiple main mods can be enabled at the same time when they explicitly support each other.
  • Increased the limit of Text setting values from 127 to 32767.
  • Added a NoUpDown property for Integer Number type settings.


Added a [MultipleChoiceSettingOptions] section that can be referenced with the new Options property in a [Setting] section.

This can be used to define a series of titles and values for more refined and user friendly MultipleChoice settings.


  • Added support for minifying XML files when compiling mods.
    • This defaults to enabled for non-decompilable mods.
    • Also added the MinifyXMLs property to the [Compile] section to opt in or out of this.


Increased the maximum length of the Name property of [Setting] sections from 63 to 127 characters.


  • Added the PublicTesting property to the [Miscellaneous] section. This is intended for mods that are public but are not a proper release.
    • Currently, this property is exactly the same as Unreleased except there will not be a warning when compiling the mod with this property enabled.
    • This property overrides Unreleased if they're both enabled. This allows mods that target older Mod Launcher versions to be backwards compatibile by enabling both.
  • Made it so the CommandLine property in the [Miscellaneous] section can be repeated to specify command line arguments for the game on multiple lines.


  • Added support for encrypting mods when compiling them.
    • This is enabled by default for mods that require this version or newer but it can also be opted into manually (which will also implicity make the mod require this version or newer).
    • This only encrypts text based files (.ini, .xml, .lua, .con, .mfk, .cho, .spt) by default.
      • Various new properties were added to the [Compile] section of mods to configure what gets encrypted.
    • Also added a -forceencryption command line argument so the Mod Launcher will always encrypt mods regardless of their RequiredLauncher or other criteria.


  • Added new [Description] sections that allow mods to split up their description into multiple headers on their About page.
  • Added a Testing property to [Setting] sections that disables them and any conditions relating to them when not using the -testing command line argument.


Added an Alpha property to Colour type settings.


  • Added General, Setting, Developer and Unreleased properties to the [Miscellaneous] section to control which page a mod is listed on in the Mods List.
  • Added the [LegacyResource] section which allows mods to supersede other mods.
  • Added support for multiple InternalName properties.
  • Added support for Colour type settings.
  • Made the Default property on Text type settings optional instead of causing a crash when it's omitted.


  • Added a Credits boolean to [Author] sections to show them on the new "Credits" section to the Mod Information panel.
  • Made it so an [Author] section can have multiple Group properties defined.
  • Made it so you can specify AuthorGroup propeties in the [Miscellaneous] section to control the order of the groups.


  • Added the OptionalFramework property to the [Miscellaneous] section.
  • Added the OptionalHack property to the [Miscellaneous] section.
  • Added the RewriteMetaINI property to the [Compile] section.


  • Added Text type settings.
  • Added a Text property for MultipleChoice type settings.
  • Added a NoReset property for [Setting] sections.


Made the ExcludedFileName, IncludedFileName, ExcludedFolderName and IncludedFolderName properties in the [Compile] section work on files and folders in the root of decompilable mods.


  • Added the Group property to [Author] sections. This allows you to group authors together.
  • Added the Page and Group properties to [Setting] sections. This allows you to organise your mod settings into pages and groups.
  • Added the UncompiledOnly property to [Setting] sections. This will remove the setting when compiling the mod.
  • Made [SettingWarning] sections work for all types of settings.
  • Re-added for MinifyArt in the [Compile] section.


Removed the MinifyArt and MinifyScripts properties of the [Compile] section because they were broken.


  • Added the Decompilable property to the [Compile] section that allows users to decompile the mod when it's compiled by right clicking it in the Mods List.
  • Added the MinifyPNGs property to the [Compile] section that defaults to on (the previous behaviour) only when the mod is not decompilable.
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