Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher > Hacks > Mod Requirable Hacks > Custom Car Support

Custom Car Support

This hack must be required by a mod to be enabled.

This hack adds support for registering custom cars and adjusting parameters on existing ones.

Requiring This Hack

To require this hack, add this line to your mod's Meta.ini:


Your mod must provide a configuration file when requiring this hack.

Configuring This Hack

To configure this hack, create a file named CustomCarSupport.ini and add the parameters necessary for your mod inside it.

; Name
;	The internal name of the car.
;	NOTE: The [Car] section and the Name property were added in Version 1.26. 
;		If you're targetting an older version, please see the Deprecated Features tab for how to define custom cars.

; Index
; 	Set the index for this car.
; 	This is used for the car camera data chunks in the car's P3D file.
; 	Custom cars can use indices 97 through 255.

; Abductable 
; 	Sets whether or not a car can be abducted by the UFO.
; 	Defaults to 0 for certain base game cars or if Invincible is 1.

; NoHusk 
; 	Sets whether or the husk spawning when the car explodes will be disabled.

; NoSkidMarks
; 	Sets whether or not show all the skid marks.

; NoFrontSkidMarks 
; 	Sets whether or not to show the front skid marks.

; ShadowVisible 
; 	Sets whether or not to show the shadow.

; Recolourable 
; 	Sets whether or not to allow the vehicle to be recoloured (only works for Traffic Vehicles).
; 	Defaults to 1 for certain base game traffic vehicles as well as if IsHusk is 1.

; PreviewScale 
; 	Set the scale of the car in car shops and the phonebooth (if 3DPhoneBoothPreviewSupport).
; 	Defaults to 1.

; NoBumperCam
; 	Sets whether or not the bumper cam can be used in this car.
; 	Defaults to 1 for dune_v and 0 for every other car.

; Husk 
; 	Sets the husk for this car.
; 	The target car should have IsHusk set to 1!
; 	Defaults to huskA.

; IsHusk
; 	Sets whether or not this car is a husk.
; 	Defaults to 1 for huskA and 0 for every other car.

; RearWheelSparks
; 	Sets whether or not sparks emit from the back wheels of this car.
; 	Defaults to 1 if IsHusk is 1.

; Invincible
; 	Sets whether or not this car can take damage and be destroyed.
; 	Defaults to 1 if IsHusk is 1.

; FrontSteeringVisualMultiplier / RearSteeringVisualMultiplier
;	Sets a multiplier for how much the front and rear wheels turn when steering the car respectively.
;	Defaults to 1 for the front wheels and 0 for the rear wheels.

; Wheel?SteeringVisualMultiplier
;	Set a multiplier for how much a specific wheel turns when steering the car.
;	Defaults to 1 for wheels 2 and 3 and 0 for wheels 0 and 1.

; FakeWheel
;	Adds a fake wheel to this car. 
;	This references a FakeWheel section by name, see the tab above for more details.
;	Repeat to add multiple FakeWheels.

; FrontSkidMarkWidthMultiplier / RearSkidMarkWidthMultiplier 
;	Sets a multiplier for how large the front and rear wheels skid marks should be, relative to their collision objects.
;	Defaults to 1.

; Wheel?SkidMarkWidthMultiplier
;	Set a multiplier for how large the skid marks of a specific wheel should be, relative to its collision object.
;	Defaults to 1.

; Name
;	The name of the wheel, referenced by [Car] sections.

; Joint
;	The joint the wheel rotations and other aspects of the real wheel are applied to.

; CopyRotation
;	Specify which real wheel(s) to copy the rotation of (0, 1, 2 and/or 3)
;	Repeat to add together the rotation of multiple real wheels.

; CopySuspension
;	Specify which real wheel(s) to copy the suspension of (0, 1, 2 and/or 3)
;	Repeat to copy from multiple real wheels, the highest wheel at any given time will be copied.

; SteeringMultiplier
;	Set a multiplier for how much this wheel turns when you steer the car.
;	Defaults to 0.

; CopySkidMarks
;	Specify which real wheel(s) to copy skid marks from (0, 1, 2 or 3)
;	Repeat to copy the skid marks of multiple real wheels (though why would you want to?)

; SkidMarkWidthMultiplier
;	Set a multiplier for how wide this wheel's skidmarks are relative to the wheel it is copying the skid marks of.
;	Defaults to 1.





Prior to Version 1.26, a custom car's internal name would be used as the name of the actual section and there was no Name property.

; Properties here

Other deprecated features:

; BackWheelSparks
; 	Sets whether or not sparks emit from the back wheels of this car.
; 	Defaults to 1 if IsHusk is 1.
;	Superseded by RearWheelSparks in Version 1.26.

Command Line Arguments

This hack is affected by certain Command Line Arguments for the Mod Launcher.

Version History


  • Added support for setting a visual steering multiplier for car wheels.
    • You can set one for the front wheels via the FrontSteeringVisualMultiplier property and one for the back wheels via the RearSteeringVisualMultiplier.
    • You can also set one for an individual wheel via the Wheel?SteeringVisualMultiplier, substituting the ? for the wheel index:
      • 0 for the back right wheel.
      • 1 for the back left wheel.
      • 2 for the front left wheel.
      • 3 for the front right wheel.
      • Unless, of course, you're Radical and you're making the Family Sedan (famil_v) wherein 2 and 3 are inexplicably swapped around.
  • Added support for additional Fake Wheels on cars via the new [FakeWheel] section.
    • Fake Wheels have various configuration options and work by copying and/or multiplying values of any of the car's four real wheels.
  • Added support for new [Car] sections as an alternative to using the car's name as the name of the section.
    • These sections use the new Name property instead to identify the car.
  • Added support for setting skid mark width multipliers for each of the car's real wheels.
    • You can set one for the front wheels via the FrontSkidMarkWidthMultiplier property and one for the back wheels via the RearSkidMarkWidthMultiplier.
    • You can also set one for an individual wheel via the Wheel?SkidMarkWidthMultiplier, substituting the ? for the wheel index.


  • Added the NoBumperCam property.
    • This just disables the bumper cam for a given car, like how the RC Car does by default.
  • Made it so this hack only patches the game code for the specific functionality being used by the currently loaded mods.
  • Added the Husk property.
    • This specifies what car should be used as this vehicle's husk when it explodes.
    • The vehicle used for this property should be marked as a husk using the IsHusk property below.
  • Added the IsHusk property.
    • This marks a car as being a husk, giving it certain special properties that the charred husk has by default.
  • Added the BackWheelSparks property.
    • This makes a vehicle's back wheels emit sparks like how the charred husk does by default.
  • Added the Invincible property.
    • This makes it impossible to destroy the vehicle.


  • Added the -nocarindexmapping command line argument. This disables the hack re-mapping car indices.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Car Camera Data index remapping from working for cars loaded from a Mod's Resources folder (and possibly other locations).


Added the PreviewScale property. This allows you to set a custom scale for the car when it's in a car shop.


Custom car indices (indices from 97 onwards) are now per mod and automagically remapped as necessary at runtime.


Added this hack.

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