Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Map Builder > Tutorials > Map Building Tutorials > #4: Adding Pedestrian Paths

#4: Adding Pedestrian Paths

This tutorial will guide you through adding pedestrian Paths to your map.

These are pretty simple entities that allow pedestrians to spawn and walk around your map.


You will need the following to accomplish the steps in this tutorial:

  • The Simpsons Hit & Run for PC
  • Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher
    • Used to run a mod to actually try the map out ingame.
  • Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Map Builder
    • Used to actually build the map of course.
  • SketchUp Make 2017
    • Knowledge of how to use SketchUp in general will help as these tutorials will assume you're already at least a bit familiar with the software.
    • SketchUp Make 2016 as well as newer versions of SketchUp Pro may also work but these tutorials are created with Make 2017 in mind.
  • An advanced Text Editor, we recommend Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code
    • This is because you'll be working with XML files which are easier to edit in these programs.
  • Following the previous tutorials

Step 1: Drawing paths

Paths are represented in SketchUp as a series of connected lines in a group with a Path group tag applied to it.

It should be noted that pedestrians will only follow a path in one direction. Once they reach the end, they will start again from the beginning. For this reason, all paths should be closed shapes to assure they loop around it smoothly.

This also means there's two path tags to allow you to reverse the direction if nessecary:

  • Path: The path will be followed in the direction you drew it.
  • PathReversed: The path will be followed in the opposite direction.

Lastly, it should be noted that a path cannot have more than 32 points. The tool will ignore any that do as they would crash the game.

With all that in mind, go ahead and focus the Terra group and draw a couple closed shapes. Once you're done, delete the faces created inside them and group each shape separately.

drawing paths gif

Then tag them with whatever Path group tag you'd like. This example uses both.

path groups in outliner

Step 2: Build and check it out ingame

There's no new rules to add for paths (they're handled by the BaseZone ModelOutputInstructions) so you're actually already done!

Now it's time to run Build.bat to see if it works ingame.

If you've done everything right, the map should successfully build and your paths should work ingame:

paths ingame

NOTE: This demonstration uses the Debug Text hack included with the Mod Launcher to visualise the paths.

You're done!

That's it for this tutorial. You're now ready to move on to the next one.

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