Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher > Version History > Version 1.18.2

Version 1.18.2

This update was released on July 8th, 2018.



  • Fixed an issue where the Mod Launcher update dialog could appear while loading mods.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mod Launcher update dialog could appear over the account window.
  • Fixed an issue where cancelling the Launcher Settings dialog would prevent the Mod Launcher update dialog from appearing.


3D Phone Booth Preview Support

Made the game assert when loading if Phonebooth.pag in "art\frontend\scrooby\ingame.p3d" is missing the PreviewWindow, RewardFG or RewardBG frontend elements required for the hack to work.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where BugFixes.ini wasn't required and wasn't included when compiling mods that require the hack.

Custom Interior Support

Fixed a crash on startup that occurred with certain game executables.

Custom Shop Support

Fixed a crash on startup that occurred with certain game executables in certain circumstances:

  • If the mod used the Locator attribute on a Selector element inside a PhoneBooth element.
  • If the mod used a Car element inside a FreeItems element inside a PhoneBooth element.

Debug Text

"states and actions" Page

  • Added " (no wait)" after actions that their set does not wait for.
  • Added "Walker locomotion action time", "Walker locomotive action next idle animation time" and "Walker locomotive action can play idle animation"

"lights" page

Removed "enabled" for lights and made disabled lights instead show " (disabled)" after them.

Debug Test

Miscellaneous Page

Added "No First Stage Repeat".

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