Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Map Builder > XML Format > Animation Elements > PoseTransformAnimation


This Element

This type of element is used to create pose transform (PTRN) type Animations.

These are referenced by various group tags such as the Anim group tag.

<PoseTransformAnimation Name="MyAnimation" NumFrames="120" FrameRate="60">
	<!-- See Child Elements -->
  • Name: The name of the animation to reference it by elsewhere.
  • NumFrames: The total number of frames in the animation.
  • FrameRate: The number of frames that will be played per second.

Child Elements


This type of element represents an Animation Group.

This type of element can be repeated multiple times.

<Group Name="MyGroup">
	<!-- See RotationChannel and TranslationChannel -->
  • Name The name of this group.


This type of element represents a Quaternion Channel with simpler to edit values.

	<!-- See RotationAxisValue -->


This type of element represents a value with TranslationChannel elements.

<RotationAxisValue Frame="0" AxisX="0" AxisY="1" AxisZ="0" Angle="0" Relative="true" />
  • Frame: The frame index this value applies on.
  • AxisX: Set whether or not this value applies to the X axis.
  • AxisY: Set whether or not this value applies to the Y axis.
  • AxisZ: Set whether or not this value applies to the Z axis.
  • Angle: Set the angle of the affected axes.
  • Relative: Set whether or not this animation frame is relative to the base position.


This type of element represents a Vector 3D OF Channel.

	<!-- See Value -->


This type of element represents a value with TranslationChannel elements.

<Value Frame="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Relative="true" />
  • Frame: The frame index this value applies on.
  • X: The X value on that Frame.
  • Y: The Y value on that Frame.
  • Z: The Z value on that Frame.
  • Relative: Set whether or not this animation frame is relative to the base position.


This is a full example animation for the lights on a police car:

<PoseTransformAnimation Name="PoliceCar" NumFrames="45" FrameRate="45">
	<Group Name="Car">
			<!-- This example is for demonstration purposes -->
			<!-- Actually having the car go up and down would be a bit silly -->
			<Value Frame="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Relative="true" />
			<Value Frame="28" X="0" Y="5" Z="0" Relative="true" />
			<Value Frame="45" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Relative="true" />
	<Group Name="SirenLarge">
			<RotationAxisValue Frame="0" AxisX="0" AxisY="1" AxisZ="0" Angle="0" Relative="true" />
			<RotationAxisValue Frame="15" AxisX="0" AxisY="1" AxisZ="0" Angle="120" Relative="true" />
			<RotationAxisValue Frame="30" AxisX="0" AxisY="1" AxisZ="0" Angle="240" Relative="true" />
			<RotationAxisValue Frame="45" AxisX="0" AxisY="1" AxisZ="0" Angle="360" Relative="true" />
	<Group Name="SirenLargeReverse">
			<RotationAxisValue Frame="0" AxisX="0" AxisY="1" AxisZ="0" Angle="0" Relative="true" />
			<RotationAxisValue Frame="15" AxisX="0" AxisY="1" AxisZ="0" Angle="-120" Relative="true" />
			<RotationAxisValue Frame="30" AxisX="0" AxisY="1" AxisZ="0" Angle="-240" Relative="true" />
			<RotationAxisValue Frame="45" AxisX="0" AxisY="1" AxisZ="0" Angle="-360" Relative="true" />

This is how this animation would be referenced with the Anim group tag:

pose transform animation used in anim group tag example

Version History


Initial release.

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