Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher > Hacks > Setting Hacks > Frame Limiter

Frame Limiter

This document is a work-in-progress and may be missing information.

This is a setting hack that can be enabled on the "Settings" page of the Mods List.

This hack limits the frame rate of the game to an amount specified in the hack's settings with additional options to configure when and how this is done.


Target Frame Rate

The frame rate that the hack will attempt to reach with the selected Method (see below for more details).

Defaults to 60.

Limit While on Loading Screens

Set whether or not the frame rate will be limited on loading screens.

Defaults to Disabled because this is because this negatively impacts loading times.

Limit While on Menus

Set whether or not the frame rate will be limited on the main menu and the pause menu.

Defaults to Enabled.


Waitable Timer


This is the default method.



Busy Wait


Sleep and Busy Wait


Compensation Limit (ms)


Load Files While Waiting

This makes it so files can be loaded while the game is waiting for the next frame. Load Manager Thread Coordination is used to achieve this.

Defaults to Disabled.

Version History


Removed the "Experimental" title from the "Load Files While Waiting" setting.


Added the experimental "Load Files While Waiting" setting. This makes it so files can be loaded while the game is waiting for the next frame.


Updated the description of this hack.


Made the loading screen used when returning to the main menu or going to the Bonus Game menu from the main menu uncapped when "Limit > While on Loading Screens" is disabled but not when "Limit > While on Menus" is disabled.


Added a new "Method" setting for controlling how the frame limiting is done.


Moved this hack to the new "Settings" page.


Made this hack default to being ticked as the game has issues of varying severity at frame rates above or below a certain range (the game runs best at 60 FPS).


Added this hack.

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