Modding Tools > Lucas' Pure3D Editor > Version History > Editor > Version 4.3

Version 4.3

This update was released on February 15th, 2020.

  • Fixed an issue on various chunk editors where changes to certain fields would not be saved until they were defocused.
    • This means if you change these values and save the file without defocusing the field, your changes would not actually be saved.
    • This issue applied to the following editors:
      • Trigger Volume Editor
        • Half Extents X/Y/Z
      • Locator Editor
        • Type 7 Locators
          • Right/Up/Front X/Y/Z
        • Type 12 Locators
          • Target Position X/Y/Z
          • Field of View
  • Added the Export All Static Entity Models XML tool to the Tools menu.
  • Added the ability to import and export Static Entity chunks as Model XML files directly.
    • Previously, you had to import or export the Mesh chunk inside it.
  • Fixed an issue where a Skeleton Joint being parented to a child of itself would cause the program to freeze.
  • Fixed an issue where a Skeleton Joint being parented to a non-existent Parent would cause an exception when selecting the Skeleton or Composite Drawable.
  • Made the Skeleton Hierarchy Viewer show invalid skeleton joints on the end of the list, highlighted in red.
    • Examples of invalid Skeleton Joints include:
      • A joint parented to a joint located after it in the Skeleton.
      • A joint parented to a non-existent joint.
      • A joint parented to a child of itself.
  • Updated the tool's copyright year to 2020.
  • Added the Flip Fence Normal and Update Fence Normal tools to the right click menu on Fence and Fence 2 chunks.
    • The normal determines the side of the fence that is collidable so these tools make it easy to set it to something valid.
    • The Flip tool inverts the direction of the normal.
    • The Update tool adjusts it to be something valid and should be used after moving the start or end position of the fence.
      • You may need to flip it after doing this to have it be the direction you want.
  • Added the Flip All Fence Normals and Update All Fence Normals tools to the Tools menu.
    • These ones are similar to the previous tools except they apply to every Fence in the file.
  • Fixed an issue where the tool did not preserve incorrect header sizes in Physics Object chunks when saving.
    • This meant opening some of Radical's original files and saving without making any changes would result in Radical's invalid data being corrected. This critical flaw has now been fixed.
    • This affected the following chunks:
      • l1r1.p3d
        • l1_hedgeunit_Shape
      • l1r2.p3d
        • l1_hedgeunit_Shape
      • l1z2.p3d
        • l1_benchold_Shape
      • l2z4.p3d
        • l2_popsicle_Shape
        • l2_shrubsml_Shape
      • l3z4.p3d
        • l3_krustyglasspost_Shape
      • l4r1.p3d
        • l4_hedgeunit_Shape
      • l4r2.p3d
        • l4_hedgeunit_Shape
      • l4r7.p3d
        • l4r7_cemgravei_Shape
        • l4r7_cemtreeb_Shape
      • l5z4.p3d
        • l5_shrubsml_Shape
      • l6z4.p3d
        • l3_krustyglasspost_Shape
      • l7r1.p3d
        • l7_hedgeunit_Shape
      • l7r2.p3d
        • l7_hedgeunit_Shape
    • Also added an Incorrect Header Size boolean to Physics Object chunks that can be toggled with the Value Editor, in case you want to opt into this for some reason.
    • It should be noted that the game doesn't care if the header size is wrong on these chunks.
  • Fixed an issue where the tool did not preserve random data after the null terminator at the end of Dyna Load Data strings in Type 5 locator chunks.
    • This change and the previous one means that saving any of Radical's original uncompressed P3D files should result in exactly the same file.
  • Added the Vertex Type Unknown boolean to the Value Editor on Old Primitive Group chunks.
    • This toggles whether or not the Unknown flag is set in the chunk's Vertex Type.
      • This flag is generally not present in The Simpsons Road Rage while it seems to be present in The Simpsons Hit & Run.
      • This change also results in the presence of the flag being preserved when saving the file.
        • Previous versions of the tool would just force the flag to be set.
  • Added ellipses to the names of the following tools:
    • Import Model...
    • Export Model...
    • Export All Static Entity Models...
    • Export All Road Rage World Models...
    • Export Model XML...
    • Import Model XML...
    • Export All Intersects...
    • Import All Intersects...
    • Export Language...
    • Import Project...
    • Import Screen...
    • Import Page...
    • Export Project...
    • Export Screen...
    • Export Page...
    • Import Intersect...
    • Export Intersect...
    • Import Image...
    • Export Image...
    • Export All Textures...
    • Export All Sprites...
    • Change Game Path...
    • Edit Rotation...
    • Edit Position...
    • Offset Positions...
  • Added the ability to import and export entire P3D files and individual chunks as Lucas' Pure3D Editor Pure3D XML files (.p3dxml).
    • You can import and export the entire file from the Tools menu or by right clicking the root chunk.
      • This gives you the option to append chunks onto the end of the file or replace the contents of the file entirely.
    • You can import and export individual chunks by right clicking them in the hierarchy.
      • This gives you the option to import before and after a chunk as well as the option to replace it.
    • This format contains all of the data in the P3D file.
      • This means you can export a file then import it again to get the exact same file.
    • Also added the ability to open, edit and save as this format just like P3D files.
  • Renamed the Import Model and Export Model tools to "Import Model OBJ" and "Export Model OBJ" respectively.
  • Renamed the Export All Static Entity Models tool to "Export All Static Entity Models OBJ".
  • Moved some items that were previously in the Tools menu to the a new Settings menu:
    • Keep Shared Resources Loaded For Previews
    • Change Game Path...
    • Add History Chunks When Saving
  • Removed the empty data value from Export Info chunks.
  • Added support for viewing and editing the data inside Export Info Named String and Export Info Named Integer chunks with the Value Editor.
  • Fixed a bug where the Copy Car tool was completely broken since its introduction in Version 4.0 in 2015.
    • This was an issue that went seemingly unnoticed for four years.
  • Added "Experimental" to the name of the Edit In New Window tool.
    • This feature is and always has been experimental.
  • Disabled the Edit In New Window feature on Follow Camera Data chunks.
    • This is because its broken in several different ways when used on these chunks.
    • This might be addressed in a future update.
  • Renamed several values on Road chunks.
    • Unknown 2 > Speed
    • Unknown 3 > Intelligence
    • No Reset > Shortcut
      • Supports the Use Legacy Names setting.
  • Made the Find References tool support Intersection chunks and Road Data Segment chunks.
  • Made it so double clicking boolean values in the Value Editor will toggle between true and false.
  • Added an Update Bounds tool to the right click menu on Mesh and Skin chunks.
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