Games > The Simpsons Hit & Run > Console File Commands > CON Commands > SetDriver


This command sets the driver of a vehicle.


SetDriver( character );

Game.SetDriver( character )

  • character: The name of the character who will drive the vehicle.
    • This character will only appear if they're not suppressed with SuppressDriver in the level's load script.


// This vehicle will have Homer as its driver (unless he's suppressed for the level)
// "none" is special and means the vehicle will have no driver.

-- This vehicle will have Homer as its driver (unless he's suppressed for the level)
-- "none" is special and means the vehicle will have no driver.


Using "none" is NOT equivalent to not calling the command outright. Omitting the command entirely is special in two cases:

  • Traffic Vehicles: Traffic car CON files do not call this command at all. This indicates to the game that it should add an invisible driver that uses random traffic dialogue.
  • Mission Vehicles: Mission vehicles added with AddStageVehicle can define a path to their CON file. These CON files typically omit SetDriver as AddStageVehicle can specify a driver inline which does not work if the CON file does so.
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