This update was released on May 2nd, 2019.
- Fixed an issue where positions would be invalid if none of the loaded files (if there are any loaded) contained parts of a map.
- Fixed an issue where the distance shown on the "Measure Roads" tool did not include the distance back to the cursor when clicking down.
- Made it so the program handles corrupted map files more gracefully by showing an informative dialog with an OK button that allows it to continue trying to load the file.
- Made it so you can press Ctrl+C on the main view to copy text. This text is context sensitive.
- The debug text in the upper left will be copied when on the "Pan" tool (if it's enabled).
- The position will be copied when on the "Position/Measure" tool when you're not measuring.
- The length of the line will be copied when on the "Position/Measure" tool when you are measuring.
- The length of the line will be copied when on the "Measure Roads" tool.
- Made it so you can select a file in the "Loaded files" list and press Ctrl+C to copy the full path to it.