Modding Tools > Lucas' Radcore Cement Library Builder > Command Line Arguments

Command Line Arguments

These are the various command line arguments that the RCF Builder supports.


Added in version 1.0.

Specify an input RCF file to output.

-inputrcf "C:\path\to\file.rcf"


Added in version 1.0.

Specify an input directory to output.

-inputdir "C:\path\to\folder"


Added in version 1.0.

Specify an output RCF to build any inputs to.

-outputrcf "C:\path\to\file.rcf"


Added in version 1.0.

Specify an output directory to extract any inputs to.

-outputdir "C:\path\to\folder"


Added in version 1.0.

Specify an RCF file to update with inputs.

This preserves the times of input and enables -memory.

-rcf "C:\path\to\file.rcf"


Added in version 1.0.

Builds a big endian RCF file for GameCube games. The tool defaults to little endian.



Added in version 1.0.

Pads each file to the specified amount. Defaults to 2048, use 0 for no alignment.

-alignment "2048"


Added in version 1.0.

Keep any modified dates when building an RCF file.



Added in version 1.0.

Keep any modified dates when extracting from an RCF file.



Added in version 1.0.

Load every input file into memory when building an RCF file.

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