Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher > Hacks > Always Enabled Hacks > Modern Computer Support

Modern Computer Support

This hack is always enabled when using the Mod Launcher.

This hack makes various patches to the game to make it work better on modern computers and operating systems.


This is a list of fixes that are applied by this hack.

  • Fixes slow load times on Windows Vista / Windows Server 2003 or newer.
  • Makes the game window get centered properly in Windowed mode if your screen resolution is wider than 1600 pixels.
  • Makes the game work if it's installed to a drive with the letter A: or B:.
  • Makes DirectSound's maximum sample rate 200,000hz instead of 100,000hz in non-English releases of the game.
    • The original English release already has a maximum of 200,000. This change is just to make it consistent.
  • Makes it so the game cannot have a delta time of 0 by skipping any frames that would have resulted in that (which happens when the frame-rate goes over 1000).
  • Fixes an issue where you cannot bind mouse buttons when using a non-English Windows language.
  • Fixes an issue where the game incorrectly centered the cursor to the window instead of it's client area and an issue where the game assumed the non-client area was 30 pixels at the top and 10 pixels at the other edges when clipping the cursor.
    • Also added the -noproperclientareacursorcentringandclipping command line argument to opt out of this fix.

Command Line Arguments

This hack is affected by certain Command Line Arguments for the Mod Launcher.

Version History


  • Now fixes an issue where the game incorrectly centred the cursor to the window instead of its client area and an issue where the game assumed the non-client area was 30 pixels at the top and 10 pixels at the other edges when clipping the cursor.
    • Also added the -noproperclientareacursorcentringandclipping command line argument to opt out of this fix.


  • Fixed an issue where you could not bind mouse buttons when using a non-English Windows language.
    • Also added the -nononenglishwindowsmousebuttonfix command line argument to opt out of this change.


  • Made it so this hack always does its fixes for slow file loads when running in Wine regardless of the reported Windows version.
    • This fixes an issue where file loads were slow when Wine was reporting as Windows XP.
      • The Winetricks dotnet35sp1 verb sets it to do this.
  • Added the -noslowfileloadfixes command line argument.
  • Added the -forceslowfileloadfixes command line argument.


Fixed an issue where the frame delta time could be 0 if the FPS went over 1000. This could cause things (like the player's position) to become NaN.


Fixed an issue in the game where the border was not removed when in fullscreen (particularly noticable on Windows 10).


Now outputs the detected OS version to the Console on startup.


Made non-english versions of the game use 200,000hz as the maximum sample rate like the Release English version instead of 100,000hz.


Made the game support running from the A: and B: drives.

1.2 or earlier

Added this hack.

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