Games > The Simpsons Hit & Run > Console File Commands > MFK Commands > Rewards > BindReward


This command binds a reward car or skin to a level with a specific quest type.


This command should be called in the rewards file (rewards.mfk).


BindReward( name, path, reward_type, quest_type, level, [price, seller] );

Game.BindReward( name, path, reward_type, quest_type, level, [price, seller] )

  • name: The internal name of the reward car or skin.
    • For example, famil_v is the internal name of the family sedan.
  • path: The path to the file containing the reward car or skin.
    • Note that skin file names only include the first 6 characters of the skin's internal name.
    • This would mean the skin b_military has the file name b_mili_m.p3d.
  • reward_type: The type of reward.
    • car or skin.
  • quest_type: The quest type required to get the reward.
    • For car type rewards you can use:
      • defaultcar
      • forsale
      • bonusmission
      • streetrace
    • For skin type rewards you can use:
      • defaultskin
      • forsale
  • level: The level this reward is in.
    • Anywhere from 1 to 7.
  • price: Specify the price for a forsale quest type reward.
  • seller: Specify the seller of a forsale quest type reward.
    • For car type rewards you can use:
      • gil for Gil.
      • simpson for the other seller which varies from level to level.
    • For skin type rewards you must use interior.


Car Rewards

BindReward("famil_v", "art\cars\famil_v.p3d", "car", "defaultcar", 1);
BindReward("cletu_v", "art\cars\cletu_v.p3d", "car", "bonusmission", 1);
BindReward("elect_v", "art\cars\elect_v.p3d", "car", "streetrace", 1);
BindReward("plowk_v", "art\cars\plowk_v.p3d", "car", "forsale", 1, 150, "simpson");
BindReward("cDuff", "art\cars\cDuff.p3d", "car", "forsale", 1, 125, "gil");
BindReward("cVan", "art\cars\cVan.p3d", "car", "forsale", 1, 100, "gil");

Game.BindReward("famil_v", "art\\cars\\famil_v.p3d", "car", "defaultcar", 1)
Game.BindReward("cletu_v", "art\\cars\\cletu_v.p3d", "car", "bonusmission", 1)
Game.BindReward("elect_v", "art\\cars\\elect_v.p3d", "car", "streetrace", 1)
Game.BindReward("plowk_v", "art\\cars\\plowk_v.p3d", "car", "forsale", 1, 150, "simpson")
Game.BindReward("cDuff", "art\\cars\\cDuff.p3d", "car", "forsale", 1, 125, "gil")
Game.BindReward("cVan", "art\\cars\\cVan.p3d", "car", "forsale", 1, 100, "gil")

Skin Rewards

BindReward("homer", "art\chars\homer_m.p3d", "skin", "defaultskin", 1);
BindReward("h_undrwr", "art\chars\h_undr_m.p3d", "skin", "forsale", 1, 100, "interior");
BindReward("h_fat", "art\chars\h_fat_m.p3d", "skin", "forsale", 1, 125, "interior");
BindReward("h_stcrobe", "art\chars\h_stcr_m.p3d", "skin", "forsale", 1, 150, "interior");

BindReward("homer", "art\\chars\\homer_m.p3d", "skin", "defaultskin", 1);
BindReward("h_undrwr", "art\\chars\\h_undr_m.p3d", "skin", "forsale", 1, 100, "interior");
BindReward("h_fat", "art\\chars\\h_fat_m.p3d", "skin", "forsale", 1, 125, "interior");
BindReward("h_stcrobe", "art\\chars\\h_stcr_m.p3d", "skin", "forsale", 1, 150, "interior");


By default, there are various limitations related to binding rewards.

Mods can bypass these limits by requiring the Mod Launcher's Increased Reward Limits hack.

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