Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Map Builder > XML Format > Animation Elements > Animation


This Element

This type of element is used to create Animations. These are basically 1:1 representations of those chunks but in XML form.

<Animation Name="MyAnimation" Type="BQG" NumFrames="120" FrameRate="60" Cyclic="0">
	<!-- See Child Elements -->
  • Name: The name of this animation to reference it by elsewhere.
  • Type: The type of this animation.
  • NumFrames: The total number of frames in the animation.
  • FrameRate: The number of frames that will be played per second.
  • Cyclic: Whether or not the animation is cyclic.

Child Elements


This type of element represents an Animation Group.

This type of element can be repeated multiple times.

<Group Name="MyGroup">
	<!-- See QuaternionChannel, VectorChannel, Float1Channel, Float2Channel, BooleanChannel, ColourChannel and EntityChannel -->
  • Name The name of this group.


This type of element represents a Quaternion Channel.

<QuaternionChannel Parameter="ROT">
	<!-- See Value -->
  • Parameter: Specifies the parameter on the channel.


This type of element represents a Vector 3D OF Channel.

<VectorChannel Parameter="TRAN">
	<!-- See Value -->
  • Parameter: Specifies the parameter on the channel.


This type of element represents a Float 1 Channel.

<Float1Channel Parameter="DIST">
	<!-- See Value -->
  • Parameter: Specifies the parameter on the channel.


This type of element represents a Float 2 Channel.

<Float2Channel Parameter="DIST">
	<!-- See Value -->
  • Parameter: Specifies the parameter on the channel.


This type of element represents a Boolean Channel.

<BooleanChannel Parameter="VIS" StartState="false">
	<!-- See Value -->
  • Parameter: Specifies the parameter on the channel.


This type of element represents a Colour Channel.

<BooleanChannel Parameter="CLR">
	<!-- See Value -->
  • Parameter: Specifies the parameter on the channel.


This type of element represents an Entity Channel.

<EntityChannel Parameter="TEX">
	<!-- See Value -->


This type of element represents a value within the aforementioned types of animation channels.

<Value Frame="0" X="0.707106769" Y="0" Z="0" W="0.707106769" />
  • Frame: The frame index this value applies on.
  • X: The X value of the quaternion on that Frame.
  • Y: The Y value of the quaternion on that Frame.
  • Z: The Z value of the quaternion on that Frame.
  • W: The W value of the quaternion on that Frame.

<Value Frame="0" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" />
  • Frame: The frame index this value applies on.
  • X: The X value of the vector on that Frame.
  • Y: The Y value of the vector on that Frame.
  • Z: The Z value of the vector on that Frame.

<Value Frame="0" Value="1.201405" />
  • Frame: The frame index this value applies on.
  • Value: The value of the float on that Frame.

<Value Frame="0" X="0" Y="0" />
  • Frame: The frame index this value applies on.
  • X: The X value of the float on that Frame.
  • Y: The Y value of the float on that Frame.

<Value Frame="0" />
  • Frame: The frame index the boolean alternates on.

<Value Frame="0" Red="255" Green="255" Blue="255" Alpha="255" />
  • Frame: The frame index this value applies on.
  • Red: The red value for this Frame.
  • Green: The green value for this Frame.
  • Blue: The blue value for this Frame.
  • Alpha: The alpha value for this Frame.

<Value Frame="0" Value="l2r3river.bmp.1" />
  • Frame: The frame index this texture applies on.
  • Value: The texture name to use for this frame.



Version History


Initial release.

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