Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher > Hacks > Developer Hacks > Console and Logging

Console and Logging

This is a developer hack that can be enabled on the "Developer" page of the Mods List.

This hack adds a console and support for log files window that the game, mods and hacks can output to.




Set whether or not the console window enabled.

Defaults to Enabled.

Pause on Exit

Set whether or not the console will pause and say "Press any key to continue..." when the game exits.

Defaults to Disabled.

Include Timestamps

Set whether or not to include timestamps before each thing that is outputted to the console.

Defaults to Disabled.



Set whether or not logging is enabled.

Defaults to Disabled.


Set if the hack will log to a single Log.txt or a Logs folder.

  • Log.txt: The hack will log to a single file, overwriting it each time (unless Append is also enabled).
  • Logs Folder: The hack will create logs in a folder, creating a new one each time you start the game.

Defaults to Log.txt.


Set if the hack will append new logs to Log.txt instead of overwriting it when in that mode.

Defaults to Disabled.

Include Timestamps

Set whether or not to include timestamps before each thing that is logged.

Defaults to Enabled.



Sets whether or not the games outputs will be shown in the console.

Defaults to Disabled.


Sets whether or not mod output will be shown in the console.

Defaults to Enabled.


Sets whether or not hack output will be shown in the console.

Include Categories

Sets whether or not to include categories ([GAME], [MOD] or [HACK]) before each thing that is outputted to the console and logged to the log file.

Defaults to Disabled.

Defaults to Disabled.

Version History


  • Made it so the hack will create multiple logs if its unable to write to the log file instead of showing an error message and not logging.
    • In these cases, the hack will just stick a number on the end of the file name like Log (2).txt.
  • Fixed a crash when failing to open the log file with "Append" ticked.
  • Fixed a crash when suppressing RCF files and asyncronous file load requests using Custom Files with this hack enabled and "Include > Hacks" ticked.


  • Added settings to include Timestamps in the console and/or in log files.
  • Added a setting to include categories ([GAME], [MOD] or [HACK]) in the console and log files.


  • Added support for logging to a file.
    • Also renamed this hack to "Console and Logging" and updated its description to coincide with this addition.
  • Made whether or not the console is enabled based on a setting inside the hack instead of whether or not the hack is enabled.
    • Defaults to enabled.
    • This is also to coincide with the new logging feature as they can be enabled independently of one another.
  • Made it so this hack hooks the output function used by libpng so it can be affected by the "Include > Game" setting and included in logs.


Made the title of the console window "Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher Console" instead of the path to the game.


Moved this hack to the new "Developer" page.


Added this hack.

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