Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Map Builder > XML Format > All Elements

All Elements

This page lists all the XML elements you can use in your rules files for the tool.

General Elements

These are general elements related to configuring the tool.


Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element is used as the root of each XML file.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element allows you to scope other elements inside it. This is like using the Include XML Element without actually including another file.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element allows you to only use certain rules if the specified conditions are met. This is useful for doing checks in shared XML files.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element allows you to hide specific types of warnings. This is useful if you're intentionally doing something that would be invalid under normal circumstances but is not in your case.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element allows you to load another XML file containing more rules. This is useful for organization and sharing XML files between multiple map projects.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element allows you to set variables that can be referenced elsewhere.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element allows you to define transformations that can be applied to groups in SketchUp models via the Transform group tag.

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Animation Elements

These elements allow you to define various types of animations.


Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element is used to create pose transform (PTRN) type Animations.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This element is used to create a texture animation for a material.

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Entity Elements

These elements define information about various entities.


Added in Version 1.0.

No description provided.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This element is used to create a Mesh.

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Added in Version 1.0.

No description provided.

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Input Elements

These elements tell the tool how to input files.


Added in Version 1.0.

This element is used to input a Pure3D File.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element allows you to define a SketchUp model as an input file.

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Lighting Elements

These elements define light groups and vertex colours.


Added in Version 1.0.

No description provided.

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Added in Version 1.0.

No description provided.

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Material Elements

These elements are related to the creation and configuration of materials.


Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element allows you to define a basic RGB material to be referenced by other types of elements.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element allows you to define rules for handling materials on an InputSketchUpModel.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This element can be used to create a Set chunk in an output P3D file.

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Output Elements

These elements tell the tool how to build output files.


Added in Version 1.0.

No description provided.

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Added in Version 1.0.

No description provided.

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Added in Version 1.0.

This type of element is used to define instructions on how to build output files.

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Added in Version 1.0.

No description provided.

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Added in Version 1.0.

No description provided.

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Added in Version 1.0.

No description provided.

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