Modding Tools > Lucas' Pure3D Editor > Version History > Editor > Version 4.1.2

Version 4.1.2

This update was released on June 28th, 2018.

  • Fixed a crash when copying or cutting a chunk that happened on occasion.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting meshes/skins with no UV list.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting if an Old Primitive Group references a Shader that doesn't exist.
  • Fixed an issue where the Visible value inside State Prop VIsibilites Data was treated as a block of data instead of an Integer.
  • Fixed an issue where Set chunks (Random Textures) were removed when using the Convert to Shop Preview tool.
  • Updated the Edit Rotation tool to be supported on Skeleton Joint chunks.
  • Updated the Frontend Viewer to respect the Native X and Native Y values of Sprite chunks.
  • Updated the Locator Editor and the Value Editor to show Event and Parameter instead of Unknown and Unknown 2 on Type 0 locators.
  • Updated the model chunk viewer to show environment maps on Skin chunks with a Version other than 3.
  • Updated the Import Model XML tool to ignore weights of 0.
  • Updated the names of various Chunk types and Chunk values to Radical's official names. If you'd like, you can enable View > Use Legacy Names to use the old names.
    • Added a name for Animated Object Animation chunks.
    • Added a name for Animated Object Factory chunks.
    • Added a name for Collision Wall chunks.
    • Added a name for Lens Flare chunks.
    • Renamed Breakable Drawable to Anim Obj Wrapper.
    • Renamed Breakable Drawable 2 to Anim Dyna Phys Wrapper.
    • Renamed Breakable World Prop to Dyna Phys.
    • Renamed Breakable World Prop 2 to Anim Dyna Phys.
    • Renamed Cube Shape to Road Data Segment.
    • Renamed Dynamic World Mesh to Anim Coll.
    • Renamed Explosion Effect Type to Breakable Object.
      • Renamed Type to Index.
      • Renamed Unknown to Count.
    • Renamed Car Camera Data to Follow Camera Data.
    • Renamed Ground Collision to Intersect.
    • Renamed Ground Collision 2 to Intersect Mesh.
    • Renamed Ground Collision 3 to Intersect Mesh 2.
    • Renamed Intersection Locator Node to Intersection.
      • Renamed Start Intersection Locator Node to Start Intersection.
      • Renamed End Intersection Locator Node to End Intersection.
    • Renamed Locator to Locator 3.
    • Renamed Locator 2 to Locator.
    • Renamed Locator 3 to Locator 2.
    • Renamed Locator 2 Matrix to Locator Matrix.
    • Renamed Old Particle System to Particle System Factory.
    • Renamed Particle Emitter Type to Inst Particle System.
    • Renamed Particle System 2 to Particle System.
    • Renamed Ped Node to Path.
    • Renamed Prop Instance List to Instance List.
    • Renamed Random Texture to Set.
    • Renamed Road Node to Road.
    • Renamed Road Node 2 to Road 2.
    • Renamed Road Node Segment to Road Segment.
      • Renamed Cube Shape to Road Data Segment.
    • Renamed Sector to Tree Node 2.
    • Renamed Sector Container to Tree Node.
      • Renamed Axis to Split Axis.
      • Renamed Position to Split Position.
      • Renamed Static World Mesh Limit to Static Entity Limit.
      • Renamed Static World Prop Limit to Static Phys Entity Limit.
      • Renamed Ground Collision Limit to Intersect Entity Limit.
      • Renamed Characters, Cars and Breakable World Prop Limit to Dyna Phys Entity Limit.
      • Renamed Wall Collision Limit to Fence Entity Limit.
      • Renamed Road Node Segment Limit to Road Segment Entity Limit.
      • Renamed Ped Node Segment Limit to Path Segment Entity Limit.
      • Renamed World Mesh Limit to Anim Entity Limit.
    • Renamed Sector List to Tree.
      • Renamed World Bounds Maximum to Maximum.
      • Renamed World Bounds Minimum to Minimum.
    • Renamed Static Collisionless World Prop to Inst Stat Entity.
    • Renamed Static Mesh Collision to Static Phys.
    • Renamed Static World Mesh to Static Entity.
    • Renamed Static World Prop to Inst Stat Phys.
    • Renamed Trigger to Trigger Volume.
    • Renamed Trigger 2 to Trigger Volume 2.
    • Renamed Wall Collision to Fence 2.
    • Renamed Wall Collision Container to Fence.
    • Renamed World Effect to Particle System 2.
    • Renamed World Mesh to Anim.
    • Renamed World Sky to World Sphere.
    • Updated ATC.
      • Renamed Unknown to Classtype Identifier.
      • Renamed Unknown 2 to ATC Entry.
  • Updated the Value Editor to support the following chunk types:
    • Animated Object Animation
    • Animated Object Factory
    • State Prop Callback Data
    • State Prop Event Data
    • State Prop Frame Controller Data
    • State Prop State Data V1
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