Games > The Simpsons Hit & Run > Console File Commands > MFK Commands > Levels > AddNPCCharacterBonusMission


This command adds an NPC character that hosts a bonus mission to the level.


This command should be called in a level's initialisation script (leveli.mfk).


AddNPCCharacterBonusMission( character, skeleton, locator, bonus_mission, drawable, conversation, no_replay, [completed_drawable] );

Game.AddNPCCharacterBonusMission( character, skeleton, locator, bonus_mission, drawable, conversation, no_replay, [completed_drawable] )

  • character: The internal name of the character hosting the mission.
  • skeleton: The skeleton and animation set that character will use.
  • locator: The name of a Type 3 Locator that the character will spawn on.
  • bonus_mission: The bonus mission that the character is hosting.
    • sr1
    • sr2
    • sr3
    • gr1
    • bm1
  • drawable: The name of the drawable floating above the character's head when their mission has not been completed yet.
  • conversation: The name of the dialogue conversation that will be used when talking to the character.
    • When the mission is "gr1", there is no conversation.
  • no_replay: Disallows replaying the mission until the level is fully reloaded.
  • completed_drawable: The name of the drawable floating above the character's head when their mission has been completed.
    • Optional, defaults to drawable.

There are various nuances to these arguments depending on what mission is set. Please see the Notes section for more details.


// Street Race NPCs
// Replayable, "checkeredfinish" drawable when completed
AddNPCCharacterBonusMission("milhouse", "npd", "sr1_mhouse_sd", "sr1", "checkered", "intro", 0, "checkeredfinish");
AddNPCCharacterBonusMission("nelson", "npd", "sr2_nelson_sd", "sr2", "checkered", "intro", 0, "checkeredfinish");
AddNPCCharacterBonusMission("ralph", "npd", "sr3_ralph_sd", "sr3", "checkered", "intro", 0, "checkeredfinish");

// Wager Race NPC
// Replayable, no completed drawable (see Notes)
AddNPCCharacterBonusMission("louie", "npd", "sr4_louie_sd", "gr1", "dice", "intro", 0);

// Bonus Mission NPC
// Not replayable, "exclamation_shadow" drawable when completed
AddNPCCharacterBonusMission("cletus", "npd", "bm1_cletus_sd", "bm1", "exclamation", "jug", 1, "exclamation_shadow");

-- Street Race NPCs
-- Replayable, "checkeredfinish" drawable when completed
Game.AddNPCCharacterBonusMission("milhouse", "npd", "sr1_mhouse_sd", "sr1", "checkered", "intro", 0, "checkeredfinish")
Game.AddNPCCharacterBonusMission("nelson", "npd", "sr2_nelson_sd", "sr2", "checkered", "intro", 0, "checkeredfinish")
Game.AddNPCCharacterBonusMission("ralph", "npd", "sr3_ralph_sd", "sr3", "checkered", "intro", 0, "checkeredfinish")

-- Wager Race NPC
-- Replayable, no completed drawable (see Notes)
Game.AddNPCCharacterBonusMission("louie", "npd", "sr4_louie_sd", "gr1", "dice", "intro", 0)

-- Bonus Mission NPC
-- Not replayable, "exclamation_shadow" drawable when completed
Game.AddNPCCharacterBonusMission("cletus", "npd", "bm1_cletus_sd", "bm1", "exclamation", "jug", 1, "exclamation_shadow")


When the "mission" is "sr1" or "sr2"

When the mission argument is "sr1" or "sr2", a mod will need to require and configure the Mod Launcher's Custom Bonus Mission Support hack to change the character from "milhouse" or "nelson" respectively.

When the "mission" is "bm1"

By default when the mission is set to "bm1" and the bonus mission has been completed, the character will despawn once a vehicle they drive is called at a phone booth and they will no longer spawn on level load.

The Mod Launcher's Replayable Bonus Missions hack can be used to prevent this behaviour.

When the "mission" is "gr1"

These types of missions do not have conversations so the conversation argument is ignored.

These types of missions are also not marked as completed in the usual sense so the completed_drawable argument is also ignored.

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