This hack's implementation of Lua is customised and only allows usage of some of Lua's stock functionality:
- _G
- assert
- collectgarbage
- coroutine.create
- coroutine.isyieldable
- Added in Version 1.23.10.
- coroutine.resume
- coroutine.running
- coroutine.status
- coroutine.wrap
- coroutine.yield
- debug.debug
- debug.gethook
- debug.getinfo
- debug.getlocal
- debug.getmetatable
- debug.getregistry
- debug.getupvalue
- debug.getuservalue
- debug.sethook
- debug.setlocal
- debug.setmetatable
- debug.setupvalue
- debug.setuservalue
- debug.traceback
- debug.upvaluejoin
- debug.upvalueid
- error
- getmetatable
- ipairs
- math.abs
- math.acos
- math.asin
- math.atan
- math.ceil
- math.cos
- math.deg
- math.exp
- math.floor
- math.fmod
- math.huge
- math.log
- math.max
- math.maxinteger
- math.min
- math.mininteger
- math.modf
- math.pi
- math.rad
- math.sin
- math.sqrt
- math.tan
- math.tointeger
- math.type
- math.ult
- next
- os.clock
- os.difftime
- os.exit
- os.setlocale
- os.time
- pairs
- pcall
- rawequal
- rawget
- rawlen
- rawset
- select
- setmetatable
- string.byte
- string.char
- string.dump
- string.find
- string.format
- string.gmatch
- string.gsub
- string.len
- string.lower
- string.match
- string.pack
- string.packsize
- string.rep
- string.reverse
- string.sub
- string.unpack
- string.upper
- table.concat
- table.insert
- table.move
- table.pack
- table.remove
- table.sort
- table.unpack
- tonumber
- tostring
- type
- utf8.char
- utf8.charpattern
- utf8.codepoint
- utf8.len
- utf8.offset
- xpcall
The following functions are also supported with a custom implementation:
- dofile
- load
- loadfile
- math.random
- math.randomseed
- Added in Version 1.23.10.
The following functions were removed in Version 1.12 due to the Lua version being changed from 5.2.3 to 5.3.1:
- math.atan2
- math.cosh
- math.frexp
- math.ldexp
- math.log10
- math.pow
- math.sinh
- math.tanh
- table.maxn
Documentation of these functions and variables can be found in in the Lua manual.