Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher > Hacks > Mod Requirable Hacks > Custom Limits

Custom Limits

This hack must be required by a mod to be enabled.

This allows mods to customise various limits in the game to suit their needs.

Requiring This Hack

To require this hack, add this line to your mod's Meta.ini:


Your mod must provide a configuration file when requiring this hack.

Configuring This Hack

To configure this hack, create a file named CustomLimits.ini and add the parameters necessary for your mod inside it.

; DeletedEntityLimit
; 	Change the number of entities that can be deleted at one time. 
; 	Defaults to 5000.

; ActionButtonLimit
; 	Change the maximum number of action buttons. 
; 	Defaults to 128. Must be divisible by 8.

; CubeShapeLimit
; 	The maximum number of Cube Shapes that can exist. 
; 	Defaults to 1200.

; RoadLimit
; 	The maximum number of Roads that can exist. 
; 	Defaults to 150.

; IntersectionLimit
; 	The maximum number of Intersections that can exist. 
; 	Defaults to 60.

; RoadSegmentLimit
; 	The maximum number of Road Segments that can exist. 
; 	Defaults to 1200.

; Limit
; 	The maximum number of Regions that can be loaded at once.
; 	This includes the Terra file.
; 	Defaults to 7.

; EntityLimit
; 	The maximum number of entities any one zone can contain. 
; 	Defaults to 2000.

; RoadSegmentLimit
; 	The maximum number of Road Segments any one zone can contain. 
; 	Defaults to 1250.
; 	Given that Road Segments should only ever be in the Terra file, this should just match the other RoadSegmentLimit in the [Roads] section.

; DrawDistance
; 	The maximum distance any part of an object can be from the camera before it stops rendering. 
; 	Defaults to 200.

; BoundsMinimumY
; 	The minimum position on the Y axis in any tree node. 
; 	Defaults to -200. 
; 	Leave blank to use the value in the k-d Tree.

; BoundsMaximumY
; 	The maximum position on the Y axis in any tree node. 
; 	Defaults to 100. 
; 	Leave blank to use the value in the k-d Tree.

; QuadGroupLimit
; 	The maximum number of billboard quad groups that can exist. 
; 	Defaults to 25.

; QuadLimit
; 	The maximum number of billboard quads that can exist. 
; 	Defaults to 100.

; VehicleLimit
; 	The maximum number of vehicle collision indices. 
; 	Defaults to 15.

; CharacterLimit
; 	The maximum number of character collision indices. 
; 	Defaults to 18.

; StaticPhysLimit
; 	The maximum number of static phys collision indices. 
; 	Defaults to 30.

; AnimCollLimit
; 	The maximum number of anim coll collision indices. 
; 	Defaults to 20.

; FenceLimit
; 	The maximum number of fence collision indices. 
; 	Defaults to 8.

; DynaPhysLimit
; 	The maximum number of dyna phys collision indices. 
; 	Defaults to 20.

; PlayingClipPlayerLimit
; 	The maximum number of simultaneously playing clip players. 
; 	Defaults to 25.

; PlayingStreamPlayerLimit
; 	The maximum number of simultaneously playing stream players.
; 	Defaults to 8.

; ArgumentLengthLimit
; 	The maximum number of characters in a single argument to a script command.
; 	Defaults to 64 with a maximum of 127. 
; 	The effective limit is one less than what you set (63 by default with a maximum of 126).

; DArrowAnimLimit
; 	Defaults to 6.

; WArrowAnimLimit
; 	Defaults to 6.

; AnimLimit
; 	Defaults to 100 with a maximum of 127.

; AnimCollLimit
; 	Defaults to 100.

; MultiControllerLimit
; 	Defaults to 50.

; StatePropLimit
; 	Defaults to 350.

; TempSize
; 	Defaults to 1.0.

; LevelHUDNormalGameSize
; 	Defaults to 2.5.

; LevelHUDBonusGameSize
; 	Defaults to 1.55.

; CarLimit
; 	Change the maximum number of cars that can exist at once.
; 	Defaults to 30 with a maximum of 127.

; HuskLimit
; 	Change the maximum number of husks that can exist at once.
; 	Defaults to 5.

; SkidMarkLimit
; 	Change the maximum number of skid marks that can exist at once.
; 	Defaults to 30.

; StageLimit
; 	Change the maximum number of stages in a mission.
;	Defaults to 25.

; GroupLimit
; 	Change the maximum number of ped groups that can be defined in a level.
; 	Defaults to 10.

; PathLimit
; 	Change the maximum number of pedstrian paths that can exist. 
; 	Defaults to 125.

; VolumeLimit
; 	Change the maximum number of trigger volumes that can exist at once.
; 	Defaults to 500.

These properties have been superseded by new properties in other sections. They are still supported for backwards compatibility but we don't recommend mods targetting newer versions use these.

; CarLimit
; 	Change the maximum number of cars. 
; 	Defaults to 30 with a maximum of 127.
; 	Superseded by CarLimit in the [Cars] section as of 1.24.

; PathLimit
; 	Change the maximum number of pedstrian paths that can exist. 
; 	Defaults to 125.
; 	Superseded by PathLimit in the [Pedestrians] section as of 1.25.

Version History


  • Added a new SkidMarkLimit property to the Cars section to customise the maximum number of skid marks that can exist at once.
  • Added a new [Triggers] section with a VolumeLimit property to customise the maximum number of trigger volumes that can be loaded at once.


  • Added a [Missions] section with a new StageLimit.
  • Added a [Pedestrians] section with a new GroupLimit.
    • Also moved the [Miscellaneous] section's PathLimit here.
      • It is still supported in the [Miscellaneous] section for backwards compatibility.
  • Fixed an issue where the [Regions] section's Limit has been broken since its introduction in Version 1.15 on September 20th, 2016.
    • The actual mistake was due to the hack mistakenly changing the memory allocator used for regions.
    • This happened because these happen to use heap 7 (GMA_LEVEL_ZONE) and since the default region limit is 7, this number was also mistakenly being changed by this hack in every previous version where this feature exists.
    • This update also removes a hard limit of 127 from this limit, however it was impossible to actually set it anywhere near that number due to this mistake.


  • Added the [Heaps] section.
    • This section allows mods to control the size of specific heaps in the game.
  • Added the [Cars] section.
    • Also moved the [Miscellaneous] section's CarLimit to this new section.
      • It is still supported in [Miscellaneous] for backwards compatibility.
    • Also added the new HuskLimit to this section.


Added an [AnimEntities] section that lets you increase the limit on various types of animated entities.


Added a [Scripting] section with a new ArgumentLengthLimit limit.


  • Added CarLimit and ActionButtonLimit to the [Miscellaneous] section.
  • Added a [CollisionIndices] section that lets you increase the limit on various types of collision indices.
  • Added a [Sound] section that lets you increase PlayingClipPlayerLimit and PlayingStreamPlayerLimit.
  • Made this hack assert if the Limit in the [Regions] section was set to more than 127.


Added support the [Billboards] section that can define a QuadGroupLimit and a QuadLimit.


  • Added the DeletedEntityLimit property to the [Miscellaneous] section.
  • Added the PathLimit property to the [Miscellaneous] section.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the Intersection limit to higher than normal did not change the amount of animated arrows that got created.
    • This caused crashes since there's supposed to be an instance of the arrows created for every intersection.


Fixed a bug where CustomLimits.ini was not included when compiling mods.


Added the [TreeNodes] section that can define a DrawDistance, BoundsMinimumY and BoundsMaximumY.


Added the [Regions] section that can define a Limit, EntityLimit and RoadSegmentLimit.

Added support for changing region related limits with the new [Regions] section.


Added this hack.

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