Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Map Builder > XML Format > General Elements > Transform


This Element

This type of element allows you to define transformations that can be applied to groups in SketchUp models via the Transform Group Tag.

<Transform Name="MyTransform">
    <!-- See Child Elements -->
  • Name: The name of the transform.

Child: Scaling

This element allows you to scale the group.

<Transform Name="UniformScalingExample">
    <!-- Scale the group by 2 on all axes -->
    <Scaling Value="2.0">

    <!-- Scale the group on individual axes -->
    <Scaling X="2.0" Y="1.5" Z="3.0">

Uniform Scaling

  • Value: The amount to scale the group by on every axis.

Individual Axis Scaling

  • X: The amount to scale the group by on the X axis.
  • Y: The amount to scale the group by on the Y axis.
  • Z: The amount to scale the group by on the Z axis.

Child: Translation

This element allows you to translate the position of the group.

<Transform Name="TranslationExample">
    <!-- Translate everything 10 meters on each axis -->
    <Translate X="10.0" Y="10.0" Z="10.0">
  • X: The amount of meters to translate the group by on the X axis.
  • Y: The amount of meters to translate the group by on the Y axis.
  • Z: The amount of meters to translate the group by on the Z axis.

Child: RotationX / RotationY / RotationZ

These elements allow you to rotate the group along each axis.

<Transform Name="RotationExample">
    <!-- Rotate 45 degrees along each axis -->
    <RotationX Value="45">
    <RotationY Value="45">
    <RotationZ Value="45">
  • Value: The amount of degrees to rotate the group by on the given axis.

Child: Transform

These elements allow you to nest transforms inside each other.

<Transform Name="BaseTransform">
	<!-- ... -->

<Transform Name="SubTransformExample">
	<Transform Name="BaseTransform" />


The various child tags can be used with one another.

Version History


Initial release.

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