Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher > Hacks > Setting Hacks > On Foot Orbit Camera

On Foot Orbit Camera

This is a setting hack that can be enabled on the "Settings" page of the Mods List.

This hack replaces the game's regular on foot camera with a more advanced, mouse-controllable, orbit camera.


Mouse Sensitivity > Horizontal

This setting controls the horizontal sensitivity of the camera.

Defaults to 0.19.

Mouse Sensitivity > Vertical

This setting controls the vertical sensitivity of the camera.

Defaults to 0.19.

Mouse Sensitivity > Zoom

This setting controls the zoom sensitivity of the camera.

Defaults to 0.5.

Reset Vertical Rotation

This setting controls when the camera's vertical rotation will get recentered.

Defaults to Never.

Move With Player

This makes it so the camera moves with the player rather than trailing behind slightly.

Defaults to Enabled.

Lock On To Player

This makes it so the player will always in the center of the camera's view.

Defaults to Enabled.

No In Air Camera Height Lock

This disables the camera locking to the ground when the player jumps.

Defaults to Enabled.

Zoom Easing

This makes it so the camera will ease when zooming in or out.

Defaults to Enabled.

Allow Obscured Player

This makes it so the camera will not move when the player is obscured by objects.

Defaults to Enabled.

Gamepad Vertical Rotation > Enabled

Set whether or not you can rotate the camera vertically with a gamepad.

Defaults to Disabled.

Gamepad Vertical Rotation > Sensitivity

Set the sensitivity of gamepad vertical rotation.

Defaults to 2.3.


To use this hack's camera, you must turn off "Use Mouselook Mode" in the game's settings if you have it enabled.

Version History


Added this hack.

Donut Team © 2024 · v4.0