Modding Tools > Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher > Hacks > Setting Hacks > Cheat Keys

Cheat Keys

This is a setting hack that can be enabled on the "General" page of the Mods List.

This hack adds a number of key binds that do various things that are effectively cheating.


Key Function
0 Reset your Hit & Run meter.
2 Double Speed.
3 Stop your car.
5 Invert your car's speed.
6 Repair your car.
7 Makes your car jump.
F4 Teleport your car to you.
Shows a phone booth interface if you do not already have a car.
F7 Teleport your car or character forwards.
Shift+F4 Shows a phone booth interface.


Car Teleport Forward


Configure the distance that the the F7 key teleports your car forward.

Defaults to 8.

Reset Camera

Toggle whether or not the camera is reset when your car is teleported forwards with the F7 key.

Defaults to Enabled.

On Foot Teleport Forward


Configure the distance that the the F7 key teleports your character forward.

Defaults to 2.

Reset Camera

Toggle whether or not the camera is reset when your character is teleported fowards with the F7 key.

Defaults to Disabled.


Makes cheat key actions happen continuously when their respective keys are pressed instead of just once.

Defaults to Disabled.

Command Line Arguments

This hack is affected by certain Command Line Arguments for the Mod Launcher.

Version History


  • Made Shift+F4 to spawn a car not work when getting into a car.
  • Made Shift+F4 to spawn a car not work during a forced car mission.
  • Added -forceallowcheatkeys to opt out of the above two changes as well as a bunch of other safety checks including those added in Version 1.15.


Made F4 (or Shift+F4 if you already have a car like you're always supposed to unless you're playing SHAR MP) show the phone booth.


  • Improved the handling of whether or not the player is in a vehicle.
  • Improved the handling of the player's rotation when standing on movable objects such as platforms or cars.
  • Made the various keys only work when Alt is not being pressed.
  • Made the 0 key fully reset your Hit & Run instead of just depleting the meter.


Added a "Continuous" setting to make holding keys act as it did before Version 1.13.


Made keys only work once for each key press.


  • Added the "Cheat Mods" category.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the 6 key from working in the Bonus Game.

1.2 or earlier

Added this hack.

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